Above is the driving question and project outline for our major project for semester 1. We launched the project this week with a hook lesson where we went outside to learn about the Aboriginal sports of Buroinjin and Arkene Irreme and to have a go at playing them ourselves. We then got together with 4/5H and were given the project outline and driving question before generating a list of 'need to knows' using Padlet. We are excited to be working together. Over the coming weeks, we will be working in groups of 3 to research Aboriginal Dreamtime stories, before choosing one of them to recreate using the sandbox video game, 'Minecraft'. After building the story, we will record a screencast tour of our builds and narrate our videos with our chosen story. We will also include transition slides and subtitles in our videos to help with the retelling of the story and to inform our viewers of where our stories originated and the variety of purposes that each story served. You can click on the images below to see some of the websites and videos that will inform our inquiry.
AuthorThroughout the year, we will be smashing down the four walls of our classroom (figuratively, that is) by connecting with experts and authentic audiences from all over the world. Our Project Based Learning typically results in us creating some wonderful things in order to share what we have learned through our collaborative inquiry. ArchivesCategories |